Fay Ku "Sea Change"
Fish, faces, bodies, bones
in tail, entail
feathers and fins
More of her work:
I dug this title, for many reasons: "Eat and Drown: The Primordial Soup Swimmers" by Kevin Darmanie
Here's one image of his work. A bit Hobbesian for me, but there you go:
Wherein Fury Takes Flight: The Time of Our Silence is Over by Alyson Pou
"This time they are whipping up a mighty wind making a decision to move" Alyson Pou
Rabbits, diving into wall
"symbolize transition and transformation"
"come out at dawn and dusk, the witching hour, the most vulnerable time of day,when things slip from life to death, from evil to good."
liminal state
Alice in Wonderland
"secret world"
Watership Down
Anna Carina Sinocchi
"The most important thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science" --Einstein
"Some action paintings take a whole person's life. Is that slow enough for you?" Harold Rosenberg