Saturday, February 23, 2013

Aljira Museum

Aljira, incidentally, is the Australian Aboriginal word for "dreamtime." More synchronicity!

Fay Ku "Sea Change"

Fish, faces, bodies, bones
in tail, entail
feathers and fins

More of her work:

I dug this title, for many reasons: "Eat and Drown: The Primordial Soup Swimmers" by Kevin Darmanie
Here's one image of his work. A bit Hobbesian for me, but there you go:

Wherein Fury Takes Flight: The Time of Our Silence is Over by Alyson Pou

"This time they are whipping up a mighty wind making a decision to move" Alyson Pou

Rabbits, diving into wall
"symbolize transition and transformation"
"come out at dawn and dusk, the witching hour, the most vulnerable time of day,when things slip from life to death, from evil to good."
liminal state
Alice in Wonderland
"secret world"
Watership Down

Anna Carina Sinocchi

"The most important thing we can experience is the mysterious.  It is the source of all true art and science" --Einstein

"Some action paintings take a whole person's life.  Is that slow enough for you?" Harold Rosenberg

To Read...

Some books on display at Moore's exhibit on art and activism a few weeks ago:

Artificial Hells--Claire Bishop
Participation--Claire Bishop
The One and the Many: Contemporary Collaborative Art in a Global Context--Grant Kester
Education for Socially Engaged Art--Pablo Helguera

CRANE-ing my Neck

A mid-January trip to the Crane brought about some of these thoughts.
Not to mention how interesting it was to open the door after a long, howling windy walk and step into this quiet, dark, fire-lit building.


Crossing, passages, liminal state
The sound of the boards creaking and feeling of steps swaying the bridge
Finding yourself in a tight enclosure in the middle of the roaring white silence
Periodically some of the "objects" turn on and cycle through something mechanical
I wonder if this is how a cell feels

Istoria by Jay Walker

A hallway of magic.
Silver emerging from heads, like Cavemanman by Hirschhorn
Radiating ot
Veins trailing (ARTeries?) = trees?
Hearts connecting
Head prints
And across from all the motion and chaos and connections and patterns and stimuli--a single, lone, hooded figure on the other side of the hall.\

Indigo Arts Gallery

I spent a while looking at the prints here.

Trees/leaves in the wind
Palms/palmettos--time to revisit FL and Costa Rica
Mermaid as two-ended sankofa, with other life forms in tail
Hill shapes/scales
Flat-line landscape silhouettes
Crowds of people behind wings
Sunburst with family and gnarled trees
People dancing with serpents intertwined (Darling Scarp and Krishna)
Small figures holding up woman (sleeping/dreaming?) "The city, she's not ready"
Tree leaves/canopy / sky+ocean

Ideas for some CR images:
bright, graphic
party crowds yet some overtones of solitude
foreboding sky
birds, animals
red/pink leaves, blue stems
dances, serpents
peacock feathers/clouds/palms
over a triange--Jung's archetypal shapes
standing on a balcony over the chaos
or a lone person (or a brain) below it
the gathering cloud
empty spaces + vacant places
decay --> regeneration...beautiful decay!
dust clouds, smoke swirls, whorls
strong shadows--blue+purple+red, lime green
shadows more substantial than object
disjointed lines

Stuart Elster

This last one wasn't part of this exhibit, but it seems like it belongs here too.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Dharma Bums

"Comparisons are odious." 55

"The roar of the silence was like a was of diamond waves going through the liquid porches of our ears, enough to soothe a man a thousand years." 71

"Mind is the Maker, for no reason at all, for all this creation, created to fall." 99

"I have all the time in the world from life to life to do what is to do, to do what is done, to do the timeless doing, infinitely perfect within, why cry, why worry?" 122

"Why is he so mad about white tiled sinks and 'kitchen machinery' he calls it? People have good hearts whether or not they live like Dharma Bums." 132

"Believe that the world is an ethereal flower, and ye live." 137

"I saw that my life was a vast glowing empty page and I could do anything I wanted." 148

"...the roaring silence of the diamond." 157

"I want my Dharma Bums to have springtime in their hearts." 204

"Let the mind beware, that though the flesh be bugged, the circumstances of existence are pretty glorious." 238

"To the children and the innocent it's all the same." 244

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Thoughts on Syntax

We are none of us nouns.  We are all verbing, all the time.