Monday, June 10, 2013

Even Cowgirls Get The Blues

"It's the people who have been deformed by society that I feel sorry for.  We can live with nature's experiments, and if they aren't too vile, turn them to our advantage.  But social deformity is sneaky and invisible; it makes people into monsters--or mice." 62

"Is love space? Or is love something we use to fill space?  If time eats the doughnut, does love eat the hole?" 93

"Certainly that sputterless little candeflame of the mediocre mind known as "common sense" has never produced anything worth celebrating." 123

"Don't be outraged, be outrageous!" 173

"It's like my life is sparkling in every direction, through all of space and all of time." 178

"There are many things worth living for, there are a few things worth dying for, but there is nothing worth killing for." 197

"In times of widespread chaos and confusion, it has been the duty of more advanced human beings--artists, scientists, clowns and philosophers--to create order.  In times such as ours, however, when there is too much order, too much management, too much programming and control, it becomes the duty of superior men and women to fling their favorite monkey wrenches into the machinery." 201

"A truly stable system expects the unexpected, is prepared to be disrupted, waits to be transformed." 208

"Only cretins and logicians don't contradict themselves.  And in their consistency, they contradict life." 224

"If you take any activity, any art, any discipline, any skill, take it and push it as far as it will go, push it beyond where it has ever been before, push it to the wildest edge of edges, then you force it into the realm of magic...illuminate its relationship with all other that point of cosmic impact where it becomes all other things." 241

"The people who see miracles are the people who look for miracles." 254

"For the person courageous enough to seek it out, disorientation always leads to love." 296

"Whatever goes wrong can be used to your advantage, provided it goes wrong enough." 308

"Love easily confuses us because it is always in flux between illusion and substance, between memory and wish, between contentment and need." 330

"Maybe the human animal has contributed really nothing to the universe but kissing and comedy--but by God that's plenty." 340

"Playfulness ceases to serve a serious purpose when it takes itself too seriously." 343

"Yes...everything is getting worse.  But everything is also getting better." 350

"Our brains are forever having fun with us by making us learn over and over what we've known from the beginning." 352