Wednesday, April 3, 2013

End of March at the Delaware Art Museum

"Art is a revolt against fate" Andre Malraux
"Straight lines are overrated" John Cuneo (I think this goes for art and life trajectories)
"A career in art is an immense undertaking that requires an individual to find a balance between who they are and what they want: art and commerce"

Some of the images weren't in the museum...but they seem to belong here.

Ralph Mindicino

-recalls di Chirico
-"the lone man", loneliness of cities vs rural environments...interestingly juxtaposed with energetic patterns and blatantly cheery colors

Tom Heflin

-misty, mythical landscapes, undulations
-tree castles/cathedrals

Allen Bryan

-surreal photographic setups
-passage of time
-inner vs outer
-decay, improbability

Alexei Natchev

-transform some watercolor into pen and ink
-overlay colored pencil, esp white
-bring back pastel
-printmaking at home, black print painted in
-concept of the feast, primal sharing of a meal (kitchenware in the sky? fish swimming in it? under the table and dreaming?)
-hand much bigger than face, holding it (look at one from Paris trip)
-trees and buildings coming out of hair and heads (living, breathing city)
-hourglass and scales (fate, string?)
-a bath
-animals (stacked on top of head...totem pole? burden?) (the world inside a pig)
-light trees on dark ground, growing out of water?
-umbrellas and rain and claws

Bernie Fuchs

-face floating over clothes/body, like clouds over a mountain...Tlaloc again?
-this title! "Their Happiness Was All Mixed Up With Being Young"

Milton Glaser

-plexiglass transfer--ink cut paper with oil...and roll through press...hmm
-looming faces over tropical plants

Sterling Hundley

-merry-go-round - cyclical nature of world (playful or futile?)
-faces like teeth
-trapped in nets

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