Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Skinny Legs and All

My first Tom Robbins experience.

His words are an Amazon--thick with imagery, like poetry, and somehow unexpected and inevitable at the same time.

Also, I'm feeling very in touch with my inner cosmic woman.  Maybe it's just coincidence that the leading lady also happens to be an artist?  Who knows.

I can't really say a whole lot more without giving it away.  Maybe this picture will begin to describe the complex interweaving of art, religion, politics, feminism, questions about the seriousness of life in the face of perceived end-of-the-world, balancing act between vision and veil, the bendability of space, and the long slow realization--as long and slow as the imperceptibly moving street performer Turn Around Norman--that there are no dichotomies (not even between self and other, between animate and inanimate, between levity and hilarity, between art and life)--only an eons-long spectrum.

"In the haunted house of life, art is the only stair that doesn't creak" 28

"There is a place between the cerebrum and the stars where sky stops and space commences" 52

"In the immobile whirls the infinite" 63

"Leave me in the night but please don't leave me in the dark" 75

"Those people who recognize that imagination is reality's master, we call 'sages,' and those who act upon it, we call 'artists'." 91

"The lunar mirror simply reflects the poetry in us all" 138

"The purpose of art is to provide what life does not" 144

"Give her pattern and color, give her a map of the higher mind, a map woven from dreams and hair and dyed with spices and wine.  Give her beauty, in other words.  Give her humanity's best shot. Give her art." 157

"We must accept unfairness as proof of the sublime flux of existence, the capricious music of the universe" 186

"It would seem that the human brain hangs so many curtains between itself and the true universe that eventually light can no longer reach it, and it molds and rots and festers in the dark." 215

"I've got a cold spot and a hot point" 225

"Wasn't there a surplus in life of the boring, the repetitive, the mediocre, and the tame? Shouldn't she be glad, grateful for this intrusion of the unexpected and unexplained?" 292

"When a person accepts a broader definition of reality, a broader net is cast upon the waters of fortune" 295

"In other words, the ideas were trapped in the art objects, themselves; from which, due to lack of expression, they could never break free to ride the retinal rails into the mystery tunnels of the psyche." 323

"Contradiction may be an unavoidable trait in a many-faceted sensibility in an expanding universe, but bitterness is reductive in the most trivializing way" 349

"Sand is to plaster what erudition is to the heart" 362

"(Humanity's) mission in life had nothing to do with any struggle between classes, races, nations, or ideologies, but was, rather, a personal quest to enlarge the soul, liberate the spirit, and light up the brain." 406

...and not my favorite one to end on, but worth a save:
"Security is a form of paralysis, just as satisfaction is a form of death" 409

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